Information for the Members

For Members

In this section, you will find useful information on member benefits. The CFPA offers a comprehensive benefit plan that is essentially free of charge (it is funded by the union dues received from you every month).

CFPA Benefit Plan

As a regular member of the CFPA, you are automatically enrolled in the CFPA Benefit plan. This plan includes the following: 


Perkopolis is a discount program which is used by over 2,000 organizations across Canada. You can find out how to register for Perkopolis on this page.

HUB Digital Markeplace and Venngo (through the Co-Operators) are also available to the members of the CFPA. You can unlock the discount program by purchasing the Group Home and Auto Insurance program from the respective providers.

CFPA Explainer Series

The CFPA Explainer Series is an educational YouTube clips which answers most frequently asked questions. If you have any questions that have not been answered within the series, please send us a message.

Guide to Grievances

Do you want to know how the grievances are processed? This page explains almost all of you questions. If you have any other questions, please consult with a CFPA Representative near you.

Professional Aviation Currency Program

Being current is important. You can find out more information on the PACP from your respective employer.

* some pages requires your sign-in.